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5 Delicious Medicinal Mushrooms to Cook

5 Delicious Medicinal Mushrooms To Cook

Mushrooms not only make a delicious meal, but they’re also considered beneficial for medicinal purposes and health.

There are several delicious medicinal mushrooms to cook. You can include them in any meal which will not only enhance flavor and texture but also provide ongoing benefits to your health.

Mushrooms have medicinal value so try using a few of these next time you cook.


Traditional Japanese dishes and most others will always give your taste buds a lift with the addition of Shiitake mushrooms. Adding Shiitake mushrooms in your recipes will take the dish from nice to delicious and the best part is Shiitake mushrooms go with almost any type of food.

They can be used to enhance the flavor and depth of a broth or by throwing them into a soup for a rich and creamy experience. Stir-fry for a crunch factor. No matter what you are cooking, Shiitake mushrooms will enhance the dish you prepare.

Regarding the medicinal health benefits of Shiitake mushrooms, they’re widely known to be a superfood ingredient and one of the most nutritious mushrooms to cook. Some of the many advantages of eating Shiitake mushrooms include:

  • better circulation of blood in the body especially for those suffering from cardiac disease
  • promoting healthy skin
  • a healthy diet that assists in weight management and control.

Lion’s Mane

One of the most useful aspects of the Lion’s Mane mushroom is their ability to improve cognitive brain functioning. Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a chronic degenerative disease that decreases the production and generation of neurons in the brain which can affect memory, normal functioning and thinking processes.

Lion’s Mane is considered helpful in decreasing brain degeneration and in regaining cognitive functioning for Alzheimer’s patients.

If you’re wondering how to cook Lion’s Mane mushrooms for your next meal, here’s a quick and easy Lion’s Mane mushroom recipe that will make you look like a star.

Simply toss the mushrooms in a pan while keeping the heat on medium. The Lion’s Mane cook in their own water that they release during cooking.

For a more flavorful hit, think about adding butter and seasoning to your taste. When the mushrooms turn a golden-brown color that’s your sign they’re fully cooked. Take them off the heat and serve while hot as that is when you will get the most powerful and delicious experience from them.


For a mushroom hunter, finding Morel on a hunting expedition during morel mushroom season is equivalent to finding a treasure of gold.

You could also go online and search for a “mushroom farm near me”. Ask if they have Morels available so you don’t get disappointed by not finding these wonderful gifts.

Morel has a taste of its own. You will have an incredible ingredient that provides a meaty and earthy flavor to any meal. Once you have tried these delights sautéed with whatever you have on hand whether it’s oil, butter, wine or even cream (or a combination of any of these) you’ll never want to stop adding it to your meals. They can be quite addictive in the best way possible.

Morel not only makes a taste bud exploding dish, but also contain the benefit of high calcium. These mushrooms can assist in reducing the effects and symptoms of bone degenerating diseases like Osteoporosis. But if you think that’s all, Morel also provides vital vitamins for a healthy body such as Copper and B12.


Cordycep mushrooms aren’t easy to come by. When you can find them, they’re more expensive than your normal mushrooms. This is because Cordyceps grow on the backs of bugs making it a challenge to harvest in any sort of decent amount.

However, despite the pricey addition to your shopping, Cordyceps make a delicious addition to any dish whether that’s a stew, stir fry, soup or even on toast and contain a number of health benefits. If you’re looking to add this one-of-a-kind ingredient to your diet but don’t want to spend a significant portion of your income on it, you can always grow them yourself with magic mushroom grow kits available in the USA and in many other areas. It’s easy and fun to do so you may have a new hobby as well as many mouthwatering meals.

Cordyceps can be a handy addition to your cooking. They improve libido functioning and these mushrooms are well known as an aid in boosting athletic performance. They are also known to assist people suffering from cancer due to their antioxidant properties.


Portabella mushrooms make a great appetizer or side dish, and will enhance almost any type of meal, cooked in any kind of way. They are so versatile.

Bursting with flavor, Portabellas make a great addition to everything. Try grilling or cutting and mixing them in with sauces or adding them to casseroles. No matter what you are wanting to cook, Portabellas are there to enhance the day.

The medicinal properties of Portabellas include a high percentage of vitamins and minerals that help ensure a healthy lifestyle without vitamin and/or mineral deficiency, so you have a strong body and live well. Portabellas are also believed to have properties to fight off cancer and decrease the growth of cancer cells in the body.

Wrap Up

You can always go with traditional mushrooms that you can commonly find anywhere from fresh to canned. They are always a great addition to any meal. However, why not eat something that provides both superb taste and health benefits?

These medicinal mushrooms are truly a wonder of nature. They taste great, cook well and will help you feel good. Try them.

You won’t be disappointed.

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Medicinal Mushrooms to Cook


Myla Talley

Myla Talley

What started out as a search for ways to help boost my immune system to cope with and overcome anemia has turned into a mission to share my research with as many people as possible. I was fascinated to learn about the healing powers of mushrooms and experienced first hand the therapeutic benefits they offer. They truly are such a wonderful gift of nature and have been used for centuries in many parts of the world.

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